Wednesday, May 29, 2013

May Fun!

The month of May has nearly come and gone. We have got a lot of updating to do! While Mike was away on evening shift, Gwen and I snuck off to Lindsborg to have dinner with the Anderson family. Gwen got to hang out with all of her friends.
Gwen giving a hug to her friend Will.
Even more fun times at Bre Hutts' house. Gwen stopped by and wished Bre a happy birthday and dropped off a present for the birthday girl.
Bre and Gwen!
May didn't have just one May Day celebration. Farmers Alliance had a big 125 year anniversary celebration as well. The FA parking lot was transformed into a mini theme park! FA had numerous activities for adults and kids; but Gwen found the BALL PIT and her night got even better!
BIG smiles in the ball pit. 

I think she likes the ball pit?!

Blowing bubbles at the FA celebration!
If you live in McPherson, you know what the month of May means... All Schools Day. The second Friday in May is McPherson's big local end of the school year celebration. Gwen and I headed to the 100th All Schools Day parade while Mike was at work.
Grandpa Prieb and Gwen at the parade.
After the parade was over, Gwen and I took off for Sedan to see my nephew Jordan graduate high school. Before we made it to Sedan we stopped in to spend the night with Norman and Diana Reeves.
Gwen and Diana playing piano!
Gwen 'won' a huge teddy bear at the FA celebration! When we asked Gwen what the bear's name was, she replied "Bears". So I guess the bear's name is Bears.
Back home with Bears.
The three of us moved over a year ago, and the amount of clutter that we have accumulated is, well... too much. The Hutts were having a garage sale, so the Priebs joined the garage sale party. 
Bre and Gwen hanging out during the garage sale.
Mike and I cleaned out an area on the north side of our second garage and decided to use that space for a garden. The picture below was taken nearly three weeks ago, shortly after we planted some veggies.

As if Gwen didn't have enough stuff in her playroom downstairs. Gwen recently got her own playhouse downstairs. We sold our pool table that took up a lot of space, just in time to fill the spot with another LARGE object. It's nice to have an indoor area for Gwen to play during the HOT summer days!
Gwen's first encounter with her new house!