Friday, February 10, 2012

Let's Play Catch Up

Ok. So, it has been a while since we've last said 'hello'. But, for good reason! Our last legit post left you all with a message of Gwen rolling over. What an exciting time for mom and dad. Gwen continues to roll and roll. It never gets old seeing what position Gwen is in when we wake up in the morning. 
Trying to get Gwen to burp after her bottle.
Big eyes, early in the morning.
Today Gwen went to the doctor for her four month check up (it was supposed to be yesterday, but doc got busy). Gwen checked in at 13lbs 3ozs, and 24inches long! The doctor was happy with Gwen's progress, both physically and mentally. Physically, Gwen has great head control and she can nearly sit up on her own. Mentally, Gwen is catching on to who she knows and doesn't know. We're obviously quite proud of our little one and how she is progressing!
Future Cubs fan.
Gwen doing a Zoolander impression. Blue Steel.
Not everything has been peachy with Gwen. We have been struggling getting Gwen past her recent cold. Her runny nose just won't quit. Lucky for mom and dad Gwen is still sleeping thru the night, despite the runny nose. Tamie and I are constantly sucking those boogers out. Gwen did fight with us at first while trying to get the boogies out. But now she smiles and almost laughs. She thinks the sucking noise is funny. 
Big girl sitting in her pink rocking chair at Grandpa and Grandma Priebs. 
Another Zoolander pose. Blue Steel 2. 
Speaking of funny. We have recently gotten a preview of what Gwen's laugh will be like. She gives the biggest giggles at night, right before bed, of course. It seems like all of Gwen's biggest smiles and giggles come right before bed. She really knows how to work her mom and dad. Of course, we hold her a little longer hoping to see more smiles and hear more laughing. 
Sitting up in her Bumbo chair.
More Bumbo time. 
A quick update on Gwen's mom and dad. We are very happy to share that on January 31 we sold our house! Unfortunately, the contract we had on a house ran out January 27 and the sellers took the house off of the market. This sent us on a house shopping spree. Amazingly, on February 8 we found another house and the sellers accepted our offer. The current owners had the house in perfect condition, ready to move right in and sit right down. Tamie and I couldn't be more excited about moving. We will be moving March 21. See you all again soon...