Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Hurry Up and Wait

It seemed like the calendar was moving at a rapid pace for the first few months of pregnancy. The last few days and weeks, however, seem to have come to a screeching halt. Hurry Up and Wait , has become our new favorite game while waiting for our daughter to join our family. Every doctor appointment pushes us closer to exploding with excitement, which at this point has been happening weekly. All signs point to our daughter joining us very soon.

Here's a relatively quick recap and a few highlights of our summer preparing for our baby:

If you didn't know the left lane on southbound I-35 has been named in our honor. We drove to Wichita so many times to pick up or buy baby items we should have a lane on the interstate named after us. We are still deciding on what we will name our section of road.

The heat. Remember how HOT it was this summer? We will always remember watching Tamie's feet nearly explode after the 40th consecutive 100 degree day. Going for walks together meant waiting until late in the evening, when the temperature trickled down below 90.

Not all was bad, while waiting for baby. Tamie had two really great baby showers. The first in August, was put on by family and friends, at the NCRA Credit Union. The second in September, was put on by our church family, at First Christian Church. Thank you to all who helped make those parties special for us. We are blessed to have such amazing people surrounding and supporting us, and our baby.

We hope you enjoy our blog posts and pics. Rather than clog your Facebook wall with posts and pics of our baby, we thought it would be best to write and post pics on a blog. Yes, we will admit, that we ripped off the idea from two of our friends, who write about their lives with babies (Eks and Unruhs!). We hope this will be a way to keep family and friends, that are at a distance, involved in our growing family.