Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Gwen 1 Year Pic & Stats!

Gwen at one year:
Weight: 21.3 lbs

Height: 29 inches

Walking?: She walks around the furniture and loves to walk with us holding her hands.

Talking: Gwen's vocabulary includes -- Da Da, Meh Meh (for Mom), Gu-pa (Grandpa), Hi, Hello, Bye-Bye, Num Num (means she wants food) and her absolute favorite word is BABY. Everything and everyone is baby. She crawls around pointing to things saying "There's The Baby", sometimes is sounds more like "Z Z Baby" but occasionally it's clear enough to understand.

Favorite Toy: babies and her Dora couch

Favorite Food: black olives -- seriously, she'll pick them off her plate to eat first

Other Favorites: playing outside, shopping at Walmart, climbing the stairs

Sleep Schedule: She sleeps from 7:30 pm - 6:45 am. We know, we know, we're lucky -- we are thinking this is the consolation prize for surviving colic! She's dropped her morning nap but takes a 1-2 hr nap in the afternoon.