Sunday, April 29, 2012

Pictures Gallore

A few weeks ago, we took Gwen in for her six month check-up, she weighed in at 16 lbs, 2 oz and 26 1/2 inches long -- big girl!! Gwen had a great appointment and really had fun showing Dr. Overholt all of the new stuff she can do.

She thinks she's pretty big stuff when she gets to sit on the loveseat by herself!

A few days after Gwen's check-up, I headed to Dallas for four days for a work conference. The three of us definitely underestimated how hard it would be to be apart, but we survived and all agreed mom won't be leaving without her side kicks anytime soon. To make my trip just a little (or maybe a lot) worse, Mike was on his midnight shift (midnight to 8 am). Thank goodness Grandma Rita was willing to come over and spend the night with Gwen . . . we didn't think she was quite ready to spend the night alone! Good ole technology made the trip more bearable as Teri brought her Ipad so I could call home and see Mike and Gwen on our pad. I was so excited to see my little girl the first evening and all she did was cry! So, Mike, being the awesome daddy and husband he is, held the pad so that I could watch Gwen play but she could not see me on that rectangle thing and freak out. Okay, we promised less babble and more pictures this time, so here you go. . .

The girl sitting up so pretty!! We just love that she can sit up and play with us now.

One of her favorite toys these days, compliments of her friend Sharley Leonhardt.

Bathtime is still by far the best part of Gwen's day. She just kicks and kicks, we've had to refill the tub three times in one night just so she could keep kicking. And who says our child is spoiled. :-)

Okay, time for a little more blabbing. We had another "parenting first" this week with a trip to the ER. Monday evening Gwen got extra cranky (initially we thought it was teeth because she's yet to get any) but we soon realized this was more than teeth. She was running a temp around 102, so Mike stayed home with her on Tuesday and we tried getting her into the doctor, the soonest they could get us in was Wednesday morning. Gwen's temp kept going up despite our efforts to keep it down with Tylenol, liquids and lots of rest. It was over 104 and not coming down, so we loaded our little lady up and took her to the ER. Four hours, blood work and a urine sample (via a catheter, poor baby) later, we got to hear those lovely words . . ."it's a viral infection, you'll just have to wait it out". Now, we were really happy there wasn't anything serious going on with our baby, but totally bummed there wasn't anything they could give us to make her feel better. So, we went home and stuck to our Tylenol/Motrin rotation for the next two days. She would just cry when you touched her and ran such high temps it scared us to death. We took her in to the doctor on Wednesday, she confirmed it was viral and told us to watch for a rash to appear on her belly or back, she said when the rash shows up Gwen will be on the mend. Finally, on Friday the rash appeared and our girl was fever free!! Lucky little Gwen didn't only get a rash on her belly and back, but also on her head and face -- she looked awful. But, the rash only stuck around for a day and Gwen was back in business - praise God!
Okay, back to pics.

Reading the paper with Grandpa Steve, this girl loves to crunch (and try to eat) paper.

Miss Cool in her leopard sunglasses.

We're also sharing some pics of our new house, we've been in for a little over a month and loving all of the extra space!
Home sweet home . . . or garage I should probably say. I definitely should have taken it from the other side, but honestly I'm too lazy to go back upstairs and outside to take another pic.

Living room/ dining

New dining room table and buffet

We are loving the bar and extra cabinet space.

The girl's room.

Our room.

The man cave with Mike's tiny tv.

More of the man cave.

Rec room/Gwen's play room . . .still a work in progress.

Guest room.
We also have three bathrooms (yahoo!!) and another room that's suppose to be an office, but seems to just be the collector of things we don't know what to do with. The backyard has a large shed, a hot tub (my favorite part) and lots of concrete. Mike's been working hard getting the yard in order, but it's a total disaster right now. We'll post pics of it . . .eventually.

In her new swing! She's thrilled. :-)