Monday, January 16, 2012

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Gwen survived her first holiday season... barely. Our family is very happy to have some 'down time' to finally relax and have fun with our baby girl. Following the New Year we all headed over to Tim and Lacey Kliewer's house to watch the Cotton Bowl with our friend Adam Bacon. K-State vs. Arkansas, sounded like a good game, unfortunately for K-State, it didn't turn out how Gwen wanted. 

Gwen, freaked out by K-State playing so badly.
Also, in our down time, we have loved watching Gwen having 'tummy time'! She is starting to interact with her toys! Her giraffe is still her favorite, by a long shot. But there's some competition with a worm that lights up and makes noises. She's really working hard on rolling over too! Gwen can get her hips turned and body tilted, she just can't quite figure out what to do with her arms. Tamie and I are ANXIOUSLY awaiting her first roll over. 

Gwen sitting like a BIG girl in her Bumbo chair. 
Tamie and I believe that Gwen has finally cleared her Colic days! We have totally LOVED how Gwen's attitude has changed. It previously took several tries to get a picture with a smile in it. Now, all she does is SMILE! It's so much fun to have a happy happy baby. 

One of the many smiles we enjoy.
Gwen started daycare nearly a month ago, and she has learned so much from her friends! We have noticed how much more she observes what is happening around her. Anything that is happening around the house she must now be involved in. 

Gwen attempting to roll over.
Since we last posted, Gwen has been dedicated at our church! To kick off our new year, Gwen became part of our church on January 1, 2012. Gwen received her first mini bible, and some flowers. Tamie was given a cross necklace. We all three feel very loved by our church family.

Gwen, ready for church.