Friday, December 9, 2011

December? Where did November Go?

What has happened since Thanksgiving?! Last Saturday, Gwen went to her friend, Lilly's, 3rd birthday party! What a fun time Gwen had at the party. There were so many kiddos running around, and delicious cake and ice cream. Gwen of course didn't get to have cake, but enjoyed seeing all of her friends.
Tamie sent me this picture while I was at work this week.  I'm sure some of you have already seen this picture on Facebook; Grandma couldn't help but post it.
Monday, Gwen had another Upper GI test done. She was, as always with doctor visits, on her best behavior. Not only was Gwen good for the doctors, she also had great results! There were no signs of re-flux and it showed she is digesting her food much better. Tamie and I are continuing to give Gwen the mixture of breast milk, formula and rice cereal, if it's not broke don't fix it, right?! This mixture seems to keep Gwen happy and full. 
Gwen lifting her head on her boppy pillow! 
Thursday was Gwen's 2 month check up. We are happy to report that Gwen has surpassed the 10lb mark! She weighed in at 10lb 3oz, 22 inches long. Not all of the appointment went well. Along with weighing in, Gwen had her 2 month shots. She did NOT appreciate the shots!  
Gwen already has an Ipod, but she likes her Ipeed better.
Today Gwen got to meet yet another new friend! Lakin Vianne! Lakin is the daughter of Jenny and Eric Rector of Hillsboro, and was born November 17th. Only six short weeks apart from our little one. It was great to visit with parents who are going through some of the same struggles and fun times we are going through. 
Biggest smile we've been able to catch on camera!
Along with digesting her food much better, came so many SMILES! It has been hard to see our girl cry and fuss so much, without any smiles as she struggles with Colic. It seemed like this week Gwen took a huge turn for the better. Gwen has been sleeping 7-8 hours at night, waking up for breakfast, then easily laying back down for another nap. Such a relief for two tired parents!
Gwen all dressed up to go to church!
On non baby related news: Tamie and I have to prepare our home for an open house on Sunday. We've had three different people look at our house. All with the same response, 'It's too small'. Yes, Tamie and I both agree it's too small! We'll keep being patient for now. We can't get this house sold soon enough!
Waking up and playing with her toys.