Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Letters From Gwen Part 2

Hi again everybody! It's Gwen! Mom is busy doing laundry and Dad is yelling at the Chiefs. I sure hope the Chiefs win, it makes Dad so happy. I've been such a busy little gal this week. Mom and Dad took me to the doctor again. I have been staying awake WAY too much! I have only been sleeping 6-7 hours a day. Doctor Overholt says, "that's not enough". In fact, the doctor says I have something called Colic. I don't care what it's called, it keeps me awake, and makes me really upset. Thank you to the doctor for figuring out that all I need is four tasty drops to calm me down. 
 Here's proof the drops work! I'm asleep!
 That's me taking a snooze again, Dad says I snore. I don't think so!
 This was the outfit I was supposed to wear when I came home from the hospital; it just NOW fits me!
 Monday was Halloween, I dressed up as a skeleton! And when Mom and Dad shut the lights off, my bones GLOWED! I had so many friends stop by to trick-or-treat. Here's a few pictures of my friends.
 The monkey is Brody, and his little sister Bre is a duck. QUACK QUACK!
My other friends from Lindsborg couldn't make it to the house, but they sent us pics. This is Haley, and she was a little ducky too!
Haley's big sister Lilly was a duck too! QUACK QUACK QUACK!!

I've got another diaper shower from Farmers Alliance next week! I go through so many diapers, I keep Mom and Dad very busy changing them. I'm looking forward to meeting all of Mommy's co-workers. Daddy has a service recognition dinner at BPU tomorrow. He's been working for BPU for five years, I'm excited to meet some of his co-workers too! Uhoh, I gotta go guys, Daddy is done yelling at the Chiefs and Mommy is coming to check on me. 'Til next time...